It’s been a while since I’ve posted a good ‘ol regular update, and I always say it’s been too long or forever so I’ll just skip saying that…
In June I took a week of vacation to go home early before Patrick and Sharon’s wedding because Hanno was coming and I wanted to spend some time with him. That was a lot of fun however I didn’t feel well most of the time, not completely sick but not completely well either. Not sure what was wrong with me, perhaps my body was fighting off something more serious and it could have been much worse—so I’ll be thankful I was mostly ok. Tiffani was planning to work that week so I wondered if she could get a 1 way ticket to fly to Columbus or Dayton on Friday afternoon before the rehearsal/dinner and then drive back with me since I was planning to drive. Good deals were awaiting…it was about $120 for her to fly to Dayton from Charlotte connecting through Cleveland. Anyways, the wedding was wonderful and everything basically went perfect. It was pretty big too, Patrick and Sharon have lots of family and friends. There were some nice pictures too:

After the wedding there was no time to rest, Tiffani was moving the following weekend! However, we had been planning it for a while and I had been helping her pack, slowly but surely, for about a month prior. She has a lot of stuff and I like to be precise and organized so things went well. She was moving into the Millennium apartment complex, just finished in February/April of this year and across the street and rail tracks from my place. Not only was I excited to live closer to her, her old place was a good 15 miles and 25-35 minutes depending on traffic, but she would be closer to work—only about 5 minutes away, and living in the neat neighborhood of South End. Her new place is super nice and I love it. While it’s smaller, as a studio, it’s set up very well and the space is optimized super efficiently. To make up for the lack of space in the unit itself she got a storage unit in her building, one floor up and not too far away. Even with the storage unit she’s not paying more than her old place which was an important factor and wonderful that we could make that work. I really like having the storage unit—in part because I like to be a packrat and keep everything, like boxes…lol. She got her keys on Friday June 25th and we moved a few things that night, the big move was planned for Saturday. Ended up getting the smaller U-Haul truck, 10 foot box, but not the van style though. Big thanks to Kyle for helping the entire day. We had to make two trips and Brandon and Emily joined to help for the second one. It was very tiring but overall very successful. I say I hate moving but am always happy about it when it’s over because I’m in a better place. I need to stop renting and buy a place so I can stay for longer…
The next week and weekend were unpacking and settling which went great. After that it was time for Tiffani to take a week long vacation with her family in Oak Island, NC on the beach, I was invited too! It was really nice, one of her Dad’s co-workers has a house about two blocks from the beach. I haven’t really been to the beach much in my life so I don’t get as excited as other people but it’s pretty cool. I hate the sand though. It gets everywhere and can be super hot in the sun. I couldn’t take too much time off work so I came back Monday evening. It was nice to spend time with her family too, I like them and we have fun. She has two younger brothers, Ricky and Calvin, and it was funny to see her as the big sister. It made me imagine that if I had a brother I would have been even more successful terrorizing my older sisters. We actually hope to go back to the house sometime in the next couple months just for fun with friends.
I know most of the stuff I post is tech related. I actually had a nice post about that iPhone/at&t article but lost it somehow. It said it saved the post but I think it reverted when I restored my browser session before I was able to publish it. Oh well, I wasn’t happy about it so I just didn’t re-write it. Anyways, I think I did post that I got an iPhone 4—after getting a 3GS, signing up for unlimited data, and then exchanging it for an i4. So, that was successful and I’m pretty happy with it. The jailbreak and unlock was finally released so that makes it a lot more fun. It’s really quite impressive that the “iPhone dev team” was able to find a vulnerability that could be exploited through the web browser—meaning the device can be rooted OTA, over the air. Previously they had very nice, easy to use programs where you would simply plug the phone in, and the program would just be a button “click to jailbreak” and I was always very impressed with that. I knew it would happen eventually and that I should just be patient and wait—which I was.
I finally got my first visitors besides my parents! Patrick and Sharon came the last weekend in July and it was really fun. It was great to see them and I enjoyed showing them around and just doing fun double date things with Tiffani and me. They flew in Friday afternoon and left Sunday evening. We went to Common Market, Nix Burgers, Dandelion Market, Dixies, rode the LYNX, Original Pancake House, Concord Mills, Dave & Busters, Penguin, played games, and went swimming in the pool. Needless to say it was busy with lots of delicious food. To that note I’ve been trying to run and work out in my apartment’s gym so I can do fun and unhealthy things without feeling to guilty, and it would be nice to be in better shape as well J
Well, I think I need to get working on setting up a Fantasy Football league. also, here's a cute picture of Susie Q in a basket.